Wide-Field Retinal Photography versus Regular Retinal Imaging: Experience the Difference

Wide-Field Retinal Photography versus Regular Retinal Imaging: Experience the Difference

If you've been to the Optometrist recently, they probably took a photo of the back of your eye. It's the strange galaxy-looking image, used to document what your optic nerve, macula, blood-vessels, retina, and other important structures in the back of your eye. But just like there are different cameras available for regular photography, there are certainly different cameras available for retinal photography, and we ALWAYS recommend wide-field.

Wide-field retinal imaging with Optos is our choice of retinal imaging, for a number of reasons. While traditional retinal cameras capture around 45° of the retina, the Optomap provides a high-quality image of up to 200° in a single capture. This means we are able to detect changes in the periphery of the eyes with much higher accuracy. 


There are thousands of published studies comparing wide-field photography to traditional imaging, with each study highlighting the benefits to patients overall healthcare experience, and long-term value in diagnosis and treatment planning, and prevention of eye conditions. 


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